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Tuesday, September 04, 2007 |
Millionaire at 17 |
An interesting and inspiring article regarding a 17-year teenager, Ashley Qualls, who has become a millionaire thanks to the growing popularity of her Web site, WhatEverLife The site provides MySpace page layouts for free. Her main source of revenue so far has been advertising, thanks to the fact that her site attracts a lot of visitors. As per the article:
"According to Google Analytics, Whateverlife attracts more than 7 million individuals and 60 million page views a month. That's a larger audience than the circulations of Seventeen, Teen Vogue, and CosmoGirl! magazines combined. Although Web-site rankings vary with the methodology, Quantcast, a popular source among advertisers, ranked a staggering No. 349 in mid-July out of more than 20 million sites. Among the sites in its rearview mirror:,, FDA .gov, and
And one more, which Ashley can't quite believe herself: "I'm ahead of Oprah!" ( No. 469.)"
Ashley has dropped-out of high school and bought a house to focus on her Website. Ashley's main problem so far has been that she cannot into legal contracts yet as since is under-age. However, her success story shows that not having money or educational credentials, being inexperienced, young, or a minority do not have to be the limiting factor.
For complete article, see:
Girl Power
For other related articles, see:
The CEO Who's, Like, 17 - How Ashley financed her business
Teen Traffic - Here's how is ranked by Quantcast, which analyzes traffic to more than 20 million sites
Note: the above links are to the FastCompany magazine's site and open up some pop-ups |
posted by Ruby @ 12:24 AM
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